Nos actualités
Découvrez nos dernières actualités.

World Class 300 Korean Delegation
At the occasion of an European Visit of the World Class 300, a Korean Delegation (of 30 businessmen) had the opportunity to visit Mercura Industries

London & SE – June meeting review
On June 12th 2018, over 100 housekeepers and associates gathered at the Army & Navy Club in Pall Mall for an event organized by the

Paris Healthcare Week 2018
From the 29th to the 31th May 2018, Mercura Industries will participate to the Paris Healthcare Week.
Health and care Gand
Mercura vous donne rendez-vous au salon Health & Care à Gand ces 24, 25 et 26 avril.
Hotelex Shangai 2018
Mercura Industries will participate to Hotelex in Shanghai from the 26th to the 29th of March 2018.

Refonte de notre site
Vous l’avez sans doute remarqué, le site Mercura a été entièrement repensé. Désormais plus moderne et plus facile d’utilisation, le site Mercura est également consultable de manière optimale sur tous les supports (tablettes et mobiles).